Market analysis

Know the online market to define an effective communication strategy!

Market analysis allows you to understand how the reference market is configured on the Internet, in which variables and factors very different from traditional markets come into play, and provides valuable indications on the possibility of investing in a given communication activity.

Our analysis identifies in detail the target market, and thus the COMPETITIVE CONTEXT in which to position one’s offer, by answering a series of key questions:

  • How many people search for my product/service on the Internet?
  • Which national and international markets have a greater online presence in the reference sector?
  • How is my product/service searched on the Internet?
  • Who are my competitors on the Internet?
  •  With which keywords do I have a chance of positioning myself on search engines?


Market analysis on the Web, alongside a strategic marketing process of a company or corporation, develops in three directions:

  •  A niche survey, which consists of choosing a closed and well limited topic from among those identified during the marketing process.
  •  A web trend study, i.e. the identification of typical behaviour of the user segment the company or society intends to target. In practical terms, a trend takes the form of the more or less generic or specific information requests that users make via search engines.
  • A selection of keywords, combinations of words that synthetically describe what the trend has detected.

Rely on Lovemark analysis to understand the most profitable markets on the web for your sector and quantify the online market potential for your product or service.
Define with us your company’s online market share and estimate its growth targets, which will form the basis of any web strategy you decide to adopt.


We will return you a project tailored to your needs.